No: 13746| Tuesday, June 30, 2020| 8:05 PM| Visit: 2771

Emphasising that coronavirus is not over yet and we will be dealing with it at least until the end of the year, the President said, "Care and observance of health protocols should still be on everyone's agenda and they should avoid attending unnecessary gatherings."
Speaking on Tuesday at the meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution following some statements made by council members about the state of COVID-19 in the country and the measures taken by the government to deal with this disease, Dr Hassan Rouhani said, "During the outbreak of coronavirus, the Ministry of Health and the country's medical and hospital staff have done very well and important decisions have been made at the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus".
The President said, "Despite all the efforts and very good measures taken in the fight against this disease and treatment of patients due to the unknown virus, we are still witnessing an increase in the number of patients in some cities, the biggest reason being gatherings and ceremonies in some areas as statistics suggest".
Dr Rouhani mentioned the use of masks as one of the important ways to prevent the transmission of coronavirus and referred to the government's plan to produce inexpensive, affordable masks by the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade with government's financial aid, adding, "Based on the resolution of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, from July 5, it will be mandatory to wear masks in indoor places and gatherings, and people without masks will not be allowed to use the metro system".
The President said that the services of the country's health and medical personnel have been focused on the elderly and patients these days, adding, "We need to still observe health protocols and help the great burden that is on the shoulders of the health personnel become light".
Dr Rouhani emphasised, "We will continue our way in the fight against coronavirus and we are still determined to continue the restrictions in some centres and places that do not need to be reopened".
In the 829th session of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, which was chaired by the President, the general items of the document for surge in production with the approach of culture, science and technology that were prepared by the secretariat with 12 specific goals, 24 policies and 78 action plans was reviewed.
The President described the preparation of this document by the Secretariat of the Council as a good and important step and said, "The audience of this document should clearly be the cultural institutions in the society and be able to identify the obstacles and shortcomings in the culture sector in the direction of surge in production".
Referring to the numerous meetings held in the government regarding the realisation of the slogan of Surge in Production, Dr Rouhani emphasised the consensus of the Secretariat of the Supreme Cultural Council with the Plan and Budget Organisation regarding the preparation and compilation of the document for Surge in Production with an approach to culture, science and technology, adding, "This document should lead to a new movement in the direction of surge in production in the field of culture, science and technology".

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