No: 15287| Tuesday, November 10, 2020| 2:01 PM| Visit: 1969

Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution Saied Reza Ameli in his note on the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development underlined the importance of setting out rules by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council for Science aiming to prevent sanctions, imperialistic system of capitalism and producing mass destruction weapons.
The full text of SCCR secretary’s note is as follows:
In the name of God
Science for peace and deception for war

Science and peace are essential for each other. So if a pseudo-science, data and information cause suffering for people, it is not basically science but it is a deception caused by ignorance.  Like science, ignorance and deceit are skeptical in nature and are subject to develop.
Efforts should be made for domination of science over deception otherwise a foolish person is enough for destroying the entire world as a scientist is trustworthy for a world.
Those data which do not result in maintaining security, health and do not improve life and cause destruction, humiliation, arrogance and suffering for the society are not scientific in nature but it is a deception which will result in darkness and annoying people or in fact an anti-science not a in the form of science.
Science means peace and calmness and without science you cannot establish peace and calmness.
Today sustainability of science and peace depend on each other. If science does not exist, peace will not exist and if peace does not exist, scientific capacity will not be created.
While over $1000b is allocated to production of military and mass destruction weapons and nuclear bombs every year and all of these calculations and using scientific and smart capacities are in line with waging war, speaking about peace, is to disarm others and to create capacity for more domination in the world.
In the world of bitter arrogance which has made poor people poorer and results in suffering in the world, there is no way but to become stronger and to reinforce resistance capacities, of course by relying on controlled limited potentials.
In time of war and discrimination, science should be used for strengthening deterrence otherwise world of the one-percent will cruelly pillage natural and human resources, despite inability, they are laughing victoriously over ability and consider international mechanisms of sanctioning nations as their right and impose the most heinous bullying against people in the world relying on over 12,000 nuclear warheads in the era of freedom-seeking and democracy.
The nature of science is to shine for understanding truth in the world aiming to bring about comfort, tranquility, security, goodness and salvation for all.
Innovations of knowledge also make sense in the framework of divine materialized truth.
In fact, scientists decipher existing facts and create new forms of hidden mysteries in the world.
No scientist or scholar outside the world which is created by God will not have the possibility of understanding, discovery and recognition.
Origin and destination are the science of God and in fact science and knowledge have been embedded in human by God and will be inspired to righteous and seeker human.
This is why, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) says: science is a light that God puts in the heat of whoever he wants. (Bihar al-Anwar, page 224)
A desired society puts science and knowledge in the path of peace and progress and is the source of reducing people’s pain and sufferings.
A desired society, is one in which innovations result in deeper understanding of truth and kowtow to God, respecting the noblest of all humans and without geographical, religious, ethnic and racial borders.
The most important human’s right is the right of living by taking advantage of all-encompassing divine blessings and thing which spoils this natural right is considered as a measure against peace and calmness and the knowledge related to it is not regarded as  science but they are deceptions relying on basic knowledge.
Congratulating the World Science Day for Peace and Development, it is essential for UNESCO and International Council for Science which have been the founders of this important international day to take action with regard to setting out rules to prevent sanctions, imperialistic system of capitalism and producing mass destruction weapons and media agencies of distortion and war which are the  main sources destruction and humiliating world nations otherwise talking about  science for Peace and Development will be slogan and will have no international effective result.
Culmination of this note, which in turn deserves several openings, is the perpetual remarks made by Rumi the famous Iranian poet who said:
The wars of mankind are for the sake of Beauty; the garniture of ungarnishedness is the sign of the Túbá tree.
The angers of mankind are for the sake of Peace; restlessness is ever the snare for Rest.
Every blow is for the sake of fondness; every complaint makes (thee) aware of gratitude (due for benefits received).
Assuredly wars bring peace; the snake-catcher sought the snake for the purpose of friendship.

Saied Reza Ameli
November 10, 2020

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