No: 17291| Saturday, May 29, 2021| 12:55 PM| Visit: 2631

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

“O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm.”

Dear Brother Mr. Ismail Haniyeh
Honorable Head of Political Bureau of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)

As-Salamu Alykum
The “Operation Al-Quds Sword” and relentless fight against the cruel and barbaric massacre of innocent Palestinian children, women and men is  reminiscent of repeated humiliating defeats of the Zionist regime in the wars that were launched since 2006, the 33-Day War of Lebanon and continued with the 22-Day War of Gaza. This great victory echoed the message of might and pride of Palestinian Resistance as well as the disgrace and defeat of the fragile and false self-perception of the Zionists to the free people of the world. It displayed a victory that was Fat’h ul-Mobin and promisor of the ever-glittering sun of victory for the Palestinians “from the sea to the river”.
The gallantry and strategic resistance of the Palestinian fighters constitute a guiding light for future of regional fights which manifest a bright prospect. Arming of the West Bank and absolute reliance on God the Almighty disrupted the international equations and imposed a humiliating defeat to the enemy. Politicians at the arrogant states and the reactionary rulers who dare not to support the Palestinian cause should know that weak political solutions, treacherous Deal of the Century and questionable normalization of ties with the Israeli regime are out of question and it is resistance of the nations that sets the stage for regional developments. The learned Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has sent his greetings to the gallant men of Sheikh Jarrah, saying: “The experience of Sheikh Jarrah in resistance against the coercion of Israeli regime and the mercenaries living in the Jewish settlements must be an unchanging directive for the brave people of Palestine.” Today, the fight against colonialism and oppression in Palestine is the symbol of fight against colonialism and oppression in the world. To be with the oppressed people of Palestine typifies fight against social discrimination across the world.
For eleven days a nation embarked on holy fight and resorted to the legends of resistance to safeguard its dignity and freedom without any help from colonial powers and some reactionary Arab states under the barbarous strikes. The zealous youth of Palestine, from Gaza to Ramallah and to the holy al-Quds, defeated the Iron Dome to bring to light another manifestation of Allah’s help. The free and justice-seeking people of the world with diversified religious, political, national and social tendencies poured onto the streets and unanimously supported the Palestinian cause.
The responsibility of the world Muslims is heavier, though. The Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed out in his message that “The entire world of Islam is responsible for the Palestinian issue and it has a religious duty to that end. Political wisdom and governing experiences endorse and emphasize this religious decree. The Muslim states must truly interfere in supporting the Palestinian nation, whether militarily or financially, which is needed more than before, in reconstruction of damaged infrastructures and houses in Gaza.”
I would like to congratulate this great victory to the heroic and steadfast nation of Palestine, Jihadi groups, Islamic Resistance Movement and all free people of the world and wish immediate recovery for those injured in the war, and freedom of the holy al-Quds. While re-expressing the fact that Palestine is not alone and we are always with you, I reiterate that the path to victory passes through resistance in the Cause of Allah: Surely those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remain steadfast, the angels descend upon them, saying, “Do not fear, nor grieve. Rather, rejoice in the good news of Paradise, which you have been promised.”         

Saeed Reza Ameli
Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution

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