No: 18980| Thursday, November 25, 2021| 9:06 AM| Visit: 2647

The President called on the Work Group for Transformation in the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution to carefully and thoroughly review the proposals in this field and present them for decision at the next meeting.
Speaking in a meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution on Tuesday evening, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi congratulated Basij Week, and praised the prominent and distinguished role of Basij and stated, "Basij culture and thinking has valuable features and characteristics and its promotion and institutionalisation in different sections of society, including cultural issues, has been -and will be- very constructive and effective".
Emphasising the importance of making changes in the structure, duties and missions of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, according to the instructions of the Supreme Leader in the appendix of the appointment of new members of the Council, the President urged the Transformation Work Group to carefully summarise all proposals in this field and present the decision at the next meeting.
In today's meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Seyyed Mohammad Moghimi was also elected as the President of the University of Tehran, Hossein Ghana'eni was elected as the President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Abdolreza Pazouki was elected as the President of Iran University of Medical Sciences.

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