No: 17537| Thursday, June 24, 2021| 8:11 PM| Visit: 1452

Congratulating the birthday of Imam Reza (AS), the President called the presence of this great Imam a great honour for Iranians and said, "Iranians' hosting of Imam Reza (AS) has always been a blessing" .
Referring to the common features of the lives of all the Infallible, Dr Rouhani said, "Imam Reza (AS) caused the spread, spread and promotion of Shiism and for the first time the Shiite religion was introduced and recognised as the official religion in the government".
Referring to the elections, Dr Rouhani said, "Since the beginning of the economic war, we have always witnessed a psychological war, which extended to the presidential election, but with the effective presence of the people, this psychological war failed and the people came to the polls and elected the next president".
The President said that the Islamic Republic has held elections in any situation, even during the war and pandemic, which is an honour.
Wishing success to the President-elect and stating that we should all help the President-elect and the next government, the President said, "The Twelfth Government will use all its resources and efforts to help the next President and we hope the President-elect becomes successful in his work".

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